PE-CDT Students Take Part in STEM Careers Day for Schools

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PE-CDT students Huda Ahli and Jaspreet Kainth (McLachlan group, Materials) took part in a STEM careers day at a London high school.


We received an invitation from Sacred Heart High School to represent the Centre of Plastic Electronics (CPE) at their STEM careers day in March 2017. Although many different career sectors were present that day, it was clear that almost everyone stopped at our stall and asked, "What does 'plastic electronics' mean?"

Even students interested in art and drama showed great enthusiasm to apply for a summer internship in the laboratory

– Huda Ahli

PE-CDT student

It was very interesting to see how students reacted to the fact that our daily tasks as PhD students in plastic electronics revolve around testing new materials in the lab to create a greater impact in the scientific field and society in general. Even students who were interested in art and drama showed great enthusiasm to apply for a summer internship in the laboratory, as almost everything we do in our everyday life is highly affected by scientific innovations.

Some of the students had plans ready for what they want to do in the next step of their academic journey. Whereas others were seeking advice and help on how to plan their next step. It was clear that for most of the students, this career day was an eye opener to further options for the future. Personally, the best advice I gave is to always do what you are passionate about and to stay updated with the changes and needs of the society.

The school staff were friendly. Staff and students were very enthusiastic when we invited them to the imperial Festival, to experience on a closer level more about that we do in our research and what are the latest and hottest topics in the STEM field.



Huda Ahli

Huda Ahli
Department of Materials

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Jaspreet Kainth

Jaspreet Kainth
Department of Materials

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Careers, Diversity, Outreach, Plastic-electronics
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