Imperial News

International Summit on Serious Health Games

by Anna Skordai

Full day of interactive events concentrating on Serious Health Games modifying prescribing behaviour

The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Imperial College London has an emerging research program on game-based behaviour change interventions for clinicians and patients. The Unit has developed 'On call: antibiotics', a serious game shaping antimicrobial prescribing behaviour in hospital prescribers.

The Unit is organising a full day of events revolving around Serious Health Games to modify prescribing  behaviour on Tuesday 20 March in South Kensington.

The first part of the event would be a 2 hour hands-on workshop for clinicians using or managing antibiotics to discuss how best embed in clinical practice 'On Call: antibiotics', the game-based antibiotic prescribing behaviour change product developed at the NIHR HPRU at Imperial College London. The participants will also help design measures of impact, reach and effectiveness. (20 participants maximum)

After this a half day Summit will include showcase examples of game-based health interventions developed at Imperial College London and other external organisations, and talks and presentations by specialists, educators, behavioural experts and funders from healthcare, academia and the games industry. (40 participants maximum)

A drinks reception with networking will close the day. 

The use of serious games to encourage optimal behaviours has received increasing attention for their potential to overcome engagement deficits. Serious games have already been used in clinical medicine, surgery and public health successfully, allowing participants to observe the impact of their decision-making, practice clinical skills safely, and exposing them to infrequent yet critical scenarios.

This Summit, funded by the ESRC Impact Accelerator call, aims to facilitate learning and discussion on a variety of aspects related to the design, evaluation and implementation of health games with a view to progress and resolve some of the challenges associated with its use. The event would enable the interaction with experts and exchange of ideas and experiences, their comparability and likelihood of impact in the UK health care landscape. 

Who is the Summit for?

The event will be of interest to clinicians interested in developing, implementing or evaluating game-based health interventions; behavioural experts and researchers supporting the application of behaviour change models to serious health games; game developers and designers keen to be involved in serious health games; and patients and citizens curious about care innovations focused on health games.

To register your interest in attending please follow the Eventbrite link:
