Imperial News

January 2018 ESE Newsletter

by Mr Francisco Reyes

The Department of Earth Science and Engineering around the world: Conferences, seminars, lectures and policy making.




Conferences, Lectures and Seminars
Research Grants
Research Activity
Workshops and Courses
Impact and Media
PhD vivas
New staff


Valdez-Grijalva, M. A., Nagy, L., Muxworthy, A. R., Williams, W. & Fabian, K. (2018). The magnetic structure and palaeomagnetic recording fidelity of sub-micron greigite (Fe3S4). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 483, 76-89. 

Wilkinson J.J., Cooke D.R., Baker M.J., Chang Z., Wilkinson C.C., Chen H., Fox N., Hollings P., White N.C., Gemmell J.B., Loader M.A., Pacey A., Sievwright R.H., Hart L.A. & Brugge E.R. (2017). Porphyry indicator minerals and their mineral chemistry as vectoring and fertility tools. In: McClenaghan, M.B. and Layton-Matthews, D., Application of indicator mineral methods to bedrock and sediments; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8345, 67-77.

Neal, L.C., Wilkinson, J.J., Mason, P.J. & Chang, Z. (2018). Spectral characteristics of propylitic alteration minerals as a vectoring tool for porphyry copper deposits. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 184, 179-198.

Cooke, D.R., Agnew, P., Hollings, P., Baker, M., Chang, Z., Wilkinson, J.J., White, N.C., Zhang, L., Thompson, J., Gemmell, J.B., Fox, N., Chen, H. & Wilkinson, C.C., 2017, Porphyry Indicator Minerals (PIMS) and Porphyry Vectoring and Fertility Tools (PVFTS) – Indicators of Mineralization Styles and Recorders of Hypogene Geochemical Dispersion Halos, in Proceedings of Exploration 17: Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, V. Tschirhart and M.D. Thomas, eds., p. 457-470.

Armitage, J.J., Burgess, P.M., Hampson, G.J. & Allen, P.A. (2018). Deciphering the origin of cyclical gravel front and shoreline progradation and retrogradation in the stratigraphic record. Basin Research, 30(S1), 15-35.

Debbabi, Y., Stern, D., Hampson, G.J. & Jackson, M.D. (2018). Use of dimensionless scaling groups to interpret reservoir simulation result. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 163, 270-282.

Martinez-Garcia,P, Comas, M., Lonergan, L. & Watts, A.B. 2017. From extension to shortening: tectonic inversion distributed in time and space in the Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean. Tectonics, 36.

Salimzadeh, S. Nick, H.M. & Zimmerman, R.W. (2018). Thermoporoelastic effects during heat extraction from low-permeability reservoirs. Energy, 142, 546-558.

Thomas, R.N., Paluszny, A. & Zimmerman, R.W. (2017). Quantification of fracture interaction using stress intensity factor variation maps. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, 7698-7717.

Giarola S., Forte O., Lanzini A., Gandiglio M., Santarelli M., Hawkes A. (2018). Techno-economic assessment of biogas-fed solid oxide fuel cell combined heat and power system at industrial scale. Applied Energy. 211, 689-704.

González Riga, B. J., Mannion, P. D., Poropat, S. F., Ortiz David, L. & Coria, J. P. (2018). Osteology of the Late Cretaceous Argentinean sauropod dinosaur Mendozasaurus neguyelap: implications for basal titanosaur relationships. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Nicholl, C. S. C., Mannion, P. D. and Barrett, P. M. (2018). Sauropod dinosaur remains from a new Early Jurassic locality in the Central High Atlas of Morocco. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63.

Conferences, Lectures and Seminars

Jamie Wilkinson, Simon Large, Matthew Loader, Licia Santoro, Emily Brugge, Lisa Hart and MSci student Chetan Nathwani from the LODE research group attended the Annual Winter Meeting of the Mineral Deposits Studies Group (a specialist group of the Geological Society) at the University of Brighton, 3-5 January 2018. Matthew and Emily gave presentations on their PhD research investigating igneous apatite chemistry, Lisa presented a poster on her novel work on the origins of propylitic alteration using U-Pb dating of titanite and Chetan presented a poster on his MSci project, also on apatite chemistry, investigating volcanic rocks from Central Chile. We were delighted that Lisa won joint first prize in the Anglo American Student Poster competition. 

Carl Jacquemyn visited the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, to present his work on the Latemar platform, ‘Dolomitization of a carbonate platform dissected by igneous intrusions’ and discuss future collaborations.

Also, nine ESE researchers from the HydroFrame project attended the Radioactivity and the Environment (RATE) meeting at Central Hall Westminster from 15-17 January 2018. HydroFrame is a collaboration between Imperial, Leeds, and Birmingham, funded by NERC, RWM, and the Environment Agency; the PI is Robert Zimmerman from ICL. PhD student Robin Thomas gave an oral presentation entitled “Numerical modelling of the permeability of fractured rock masses”. Other ESE attendees (Clement Joulin, Matt Kirby, JP Latham, Adriana Paluszny, Vasia TsaparliDominik Weiss and Jason Xiang) presented posters and/or exhibits. The meeting attracted over 100 attendees, including academic and industrial researchers, and representatives of UK and overseas funding and regulatory agencies. 

Jamie Speirs was invited to a delegation organised by the Foreign Commonwealth Office to attend a Pacific Coast Collaboration four-day meeting in the cities of Vancouver and Seattle where he met various US and UK sustainability stakeholders in both academia and government. Jamie leads the Sustainable Gas Institute White Paper Series, which is conducting research on the social, technical and economic issues affecting energy policy in the UK, Europe and globally. Jamie spoke to the delegation about natural gas and its role in the UK Transition to a low carbon economy. The Pacific Coast Collaboration is consortium of state government officials that deal with climate change and sustainability across California, Oregon, Washington State, British Columbia and Alaska.

Finally, a reminder that the 1st Symposium: 'Researchers for Latin America' #R4LA, being organsied by the Latin American Student Society at Imperial is due to be held on 7-8 February 2018. The Symposium is seeking to bring together researchers from various disciplines who are interested in "Shaping the Future of Latin America". The RSM is proud to host and sponsor the event. For more information visit the event's website here.

Research Grants

Chris Jackson, along with collaborators David Hodgson (Leeds), and Ian Kane and Steve Flint (both Manchester), is co-PI on ‘Lobe 3’, a project focusing on the geometry and distribution of stratigraphic traps associated with submarine lobes deposits. This Joint Industry Project (JIP), which is currently supported by 8 major oil companies, is valued at £800,000. Follow the project on Twitter at @lobefringe.

Research Activity

The Sustainable Gas Institute are delighted to host a seminar, 8 February 2018, with a guest speaker, Ben Springer who oversees the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s work on low-carbon energy and environmental policy across the US. Ben will speak about what our Foreign & Commonwealth Office objectives are in the US in relation to climate and energy, including engagement at the federal and sub-national levels. He will also discuss how FCO engages with different stakeholders, and the value of including academics in this work. A question and answer session will follow. The talk takes place on the 8th February at 16:00 - 17:00 in LG100, Imperial College Business School. The talk is open to all. Please do sign up and share.

Workshops and Courses

Chris Jackson gave a workshop on the Earth Science preprint server EarthArXiv, ‘Open Access’, and peer review in an Early Career Researcher (ECR) workshop at the 56th Annual General Meeting of the British Sedimentological Research Group (BSRG). He is happy to discuss any of these things with interested staff and students in ESE. 

Impact and Media

Contributing to a TV show tentatively entitled “Day in the Life of Planet Earth”, Chris Jackson spent 5 days on the volcanic island of Stromboli. This show, which is being produced by Screen Glue, will investigate some of the surprisingly rapid and sometimes catastrophic changes that happen on Earth within only 24 hours. The show will likely air late-2018. Chris was lucky enough to witness amazing Strombolian eruptions and sample Sicilian food, but unlucky enough to climb Stromboli, a viciously steep volcano.

Filming at Stromboli


Chris Jackson joined Arizona State University volcanologist, Dr Kayla Iacovino in a Twitter Q&A with pupils from Invergordon Academy, Scotland. Inspired by the BBC2 show, Expedition Volcano, the pupils asked numerous testing questions, such as “How do you think it affects the people knowing they’re living in the shadow of an active volcano?” and “Did the sound of the lava bubbling scare you?”. The Q&A formed part of Twitter’s #VolcanoMonday and was hosted by Dr Jen Brooke (University of St Andrews), GeoBus Education Coordinator.  

PhD vivas

A belated but massive congratulations to Clara Rodriguez, Matt Reeve and Tom Phillips, who in the last few months of 2017 passed their PhD viva. The Basins Research Group (BRG) will miss you!

New staff

Nora Mulvaney ( is our new librarian, so do get in touch with Nora in case you need help finding or evaluating information. The ESE subject page on the library website now has her contact details.