Imperial News

Fire researchers took part in outreach event for Imperial's diversity week

by Nadia Barbu

The Mechanical Engineering-based Hazelab group showcased their research in an outreach event last Wednesday, as part of Diverse@Imperial week.

For two hours, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students from the Hazelab group ran a triple booth with demonstrations and explanations on fire science.

Fire tornado Sirocco was displayed outside the City and Guilds building, despite the rainy weather; meanwhile, in the Level 2 Concourse, visitors were able to find out more about the Great Fire of London, how candles work, or the sinking of the Titanic.

Fire tornado Sirocco

“We had quite a turnout and a lot of interested kids, so  hopefully we managed to get some students interested in STEM subjects”, said Francesco Restuccia, a Research Assistant in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The event was visited by around a hundred students aged 7-13, from various schools across London.