Imperial News

Make a difference with Charity Insights!

by Elena Virlan

Our Charity Insights bursary scheme is now open for applications.

Charity Insights is an opportunity for you to have a paid four-week internship in a charity of your choice. Support a project you are passionate about, while building valuable experience for your career! The Careers Service will sponsor you £300 per week for a rewarding summer experience.

Both undergraduate and PhD students are eligible to apply for the Charity Insights Bursary Scheme; registrations are open until 22 April. Previous Charity Insights students have worked in a wide range of charities such as Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Kensington and Chelsea Foundation, The Eden Project and Anthony Nolan, conducting various projects including research, GIS mapping, publishing, marketing, data analysis and more. Read our blog and case studies to find out more about the projects that past Charity Insights students have undertaken and ideas on the kinds of projects you could get involved in!

To find out more about the scheme and apply, please visit our Charity Insights page. If you have any questions that you cannot find the answer to online please email