Imperial News

Education Day 2018: To inclusivity and beyond

by Murray MacKay

This year’s Education Day brought together staff and students to explore how to make learning and teaching more inclusive.

Opening the event the College’s Assistant Provost (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), Professor Stephen Curry, said: “Actions often speak louder than words. We must ask ourselves tough questions – do certain teaching methods perpetuate bias? As an institution what can we do to add value to this debate?

“Progress has been steady since the passing of the Equality Act in 2010, but more can be done. I’m proud that the principles behind this legislation are threaded throughout the entirety of the College’s Learning and Teaching Strategy, as well as our Curriculum Review.”

"At the heart of a positive student experience must be a strong sense of belonging." Professor Liz Thomas

Education experts from across the College were joined by keynote speaker Professor Liz Thomas, member of the Teaching Excellence Framework panel, as well as an author and editor of over ten books, and many journal articles, reports, briefings and best practice guides.

Professor Thomas said: “At the heart of a positive student experience must be a strong sense of belonging. Embedding inclusivity is as much about changing the culture of teaching as it is related to the structure of teaching.”

Professor Thomas also set out some of the signs of a positive student experience:

  • Supportive peer relationships
  • Meaningful interaction between staff and students
  • Developing knowledge and having confidence in your identity
  • Having a higher education experience that is relevant to your future goals

Investigating inclusivity

The day included a number of break-out workshops which allowed attendees to discuss issues in more depth. Attendees enjoyed a wide range of conversations and activities, including 'Breaking Bag' - an escape room challenge set by Principal Teaching Fellow, Giskin Day.

Attendees attempt the 'Breaking Bag' escape room challenge

Imperial's ambition to transform teaching and learning

Education Day 2018 forms part of a plan to radically transform teaching at Imperial, the UK’s most international and innovative university. By investing significantly in education the College is empowering students to solve challenges facing the world today and in the future.

The College's Learning and Teaching Strategy will create and nurture a supportive environment for staff and students. A healthy learning and working environment will foster a community in which different backgrounds and cultures are cherished and recognised.