Imperial News

Imperial expert appointed to Government Maritime 2050 panel

by Caroline Brogan, Hannah MacLachlan

Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis at Imperial has been appointed to a maritime panel by Transport Secretary Rt Hon Chris Grayling.

The panel will work with industry to help ensure the UK stays at the forefront of global shipping over the coming decades, and is linked to the recently launched call for evidence on Maritime 2050.

The latter is part of the government’s strategy to make the most of future opportunities for the nation’s maritime industries to thrive, which will seek the views of those within the sector as well as those from outside.

In his work, Dr Angeloudis, from Imperial College London’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, focuses on intelligent and autonomous transportation systems and the design of resilient supply chains, infrastructure and shipping networks.

He leads the Transport Systems and Logistics Laboratory within the Centre for Transport Studies, and says it is important to build on the opportunities presented by new environmental regulations, continued digitalisation, emergence of marine autonomy and initiatives to increase the resilience of the sector.

Dr Angeloudis said: “It is an honour to be appointed to the Maritime 2050 Expert Panel. The UK is in an excellent position to lead on opportunities for the global shipping industry, given its long maritime heritage and business ecosystem. Imperial’s Centre for Transport Studies here has a long track record in Maritime Transportation and through this appointment will inform the activities of the panel.”

Maritime 2050 will set out the challenges and opportunities to allow the government and the UK shipping industry to plan for the long-term, encourage economic growth by giving certainty to investors, and is likely to include digital advances which can help make shipping more efficient, and the use of low-drag paint to reduce fuel consumption.

The expert panel is made up of:

  • Chairman - Hugh McNeal, Chief Executive of RenewableUK
  • Dr Panagiotis Angeloudis, Senior Lecturer in Transport Systems and Logistics, Imperial College London
  • Lucy Armstrong, Chairman, Port of Tyne
  • Tom Boardley, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Corporate and External Affairs, Lloyd’s Register
  • David Dingle CBE, Chairman, Maritime UK
  • Professor Costas Grammenos CBE, DSc, Chairman, Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade & Finance, Cass Business School, City, University of London
  • Dr Grahaeme Henderson, Vice President, Shipping & Maritime, Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited
  • Sarah Kenny, Chief Executive, BMT Group
  • Professor David Lane CBE, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot Watt University
  • Dr David Loosley, Chief Executive, IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology)
  • Michael Parker, Global Head for Shipping, Logistics and Offshore Industries, Citigroup
  • Neil Roberts, Lloyds Market Association (LMA)
  • Martin Stopford, President, Clarkson Research