Imperial News

We celebrate with our MSc and PHD graduates

by Emma Rainbow

Electrical Engineering PhD and MSc students were among the 3,500 Imperial College Students who graduated this week at the Royal Albert Hall.

The graduation ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall was followed by a celebratory reception for all our students and their friends and families. Head of Department, Professor Eric Yeatman, and Director of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Andrew Holmes, presented prizes at this reception to the top performing students in each of our MSc courses.

The MSC Prizewinners this year are as follows:

Andrea Misfud: Outstanding Achievement for Analogue & Digital Integrated Circuit Design MSc

Andrea Mifsud receiving the Outstanding Achievement Award for Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design 

Nicholas Scerri: Outstanding Achievement for Communications and Signal Processing MSc

Kaiwen Chen: Kaiwen won Outstanding Achievement for Control Systems MSc and also The Hertha Ayrton Prize awarded for the best MSc project with significant original contribution to the topic area

Kaiwen Chen 

Peiyi Wang: Outstanding Achievement for Future Power Networks MSc

Youqian Zhang:  The Ivor Tupper Prize awarded for Excellence in Signal Processing, Broadcast And Video Technology 

Youqian Zhang

Each year a prize is also given to the Best Doctoral Thesis during the academic year, known as the Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize. For 2016 it was awarded to Paul Judge from the Control and Power group who was supervised by Professor Tim Green and Professor Paul Mitcheson. Paul’s thesis was titled ‘Power Converter Design for HVDC’.

Paul Judge

Paul’s research during his PhD focused on the design of design and optimisation of DC-fault tolerant hybrid modular converter topologies for HVDC applications, with significant collaboration with industry. He also worked on the dynamic thermal overload of HVDC scale converters for emergency frequency support purposes.  He is now a Research Associate in the Control and Power group, and his current research focuses on the integration of energy storage into modular converter topologies for frequency support and ancillary service provision, as well as working with collaborators from KU Leuven on the modelling of converter topologies for hybrid AC/DC system protection studies.