Imperial News

Celebrating the science and mentorship of Professor Bob Sinden

by Christo Hall

Researchers from Imperial and beyond came together at the Royal Institution to celebrate the science and mentorship of Professor Bob Sinden.

On May 10th at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, the Malaria Network celebrated the science and mentorship of Emeritus Professor Bob Sinden, His illustrious career, which includes 396 published peer-reviewed papers, has no doubt transformed parasitology.

Among other talks, attendees heard from Professors Richard Carter, Rita Tewari, Lawrence Bannister, Andy Waters, Oliver Billker, Hilary Hurd, Adrian Hill and Dennis Russell, as well as a special talk from Prof Sinden himself who spoke about the future direction of malaria research and eradication. Michael Delves and Andrew Blagborough spoke about his legacy and Jake Baum lead a Q&A, closing the event honouring Prof Sinden by presenting to him one of his classic EMs embedded in a 3D glass-etched block.

Below are a few photos from the event: