Imperial News

Congratulations to Chemistry Technicians

by Maria Tortelli

Sara Thayammal and Steve Ramsey achieve Registered Scientist status with the Royal Society of Chemistry

Congratulations to two of our technical services staff for achieving Registered Scientist (RSci) status with the Royal Society of Chemistry. Sara Thayammal, Senior Teaching Technician, and Steve Ramsey, Scientific Glassblower, demonstrated to the panel the wide range of skills, high levels of competency and the determined commitment to professional development required to reach this significant achievement.

Sara and Steve can be seen pictured here with Dr Alastair McIntosh who as an RSC mentor has been assisting technical staff with the registration process, also Professor James Stirling an enthusiastic advocate for technical development.

Steve had achieved RSciTech status with the Society in 2015 and has worked hard to add the RSci to his portfolio, Sara achieved RSci with her initial application.

These awards together with the RSciTech status of other technical services staff clearly demonstrate the wide range of skills, the willpower and the drive within the technical teams to not only deliver the best possible service, but ensure that they maintain their professional development.

Tim Jefferson, Chemistry Technical Operations Manager noted " whilst we know the department values and appreciates our technical teams it is great to achieve external recognition such as this, well done Sara and Steve!"