Imperial News

2018 President’s Awards for Dr Jun Jiang and Dr Julie Varley

by Nadia Barbu

Two members of staff from our department were recognised by this year’s President’s Awards.

Dr Jun Jiang (Lecturer in the Mechanics of Materials division) won a President’s Award for Excellence in Research, in the category Outstanding Early Career Researcher.

“It is my great honour to receive this prestigious award. It would be impossible without the strong support from my helpful close colleagues, hardworking, lovely research students and collaborative academic and industrial visitors. Thank you all!  I am really enjoying my research life in this world-leading Mechanical Engineering Department at Imperial College, where innovative, ground-breaking, cool ideas can be fast incubated while exploring more fun underlying science”, said Dr Jun Jiang.

Dr Julie Varley (Principal Teaching Fellow) won an Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience.

The President’s Awards for Excellence are annual awards to recognise staff members who have made outstanding contributions in Education, Research or Societal Engagement.

Dr Julie Varley