Imperial News

Launch of the Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science

by Gareth Hyde

Researchers have launched a new Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science in order to establish and grow multidisciplinary connections.

The vascular system of the body, or vasculature, is of critical importance in many aspects of human biology. In addition, vascular diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide every year, contributing to the 17.7 million cardiovascular deaths globally (Ref: WHO). Disorders of the vasculature include: blood clots, stroke, hypertension, aneurysms and vasculitis and impact the health of many people across the world. 

"Collaboration across our Faculties is key to the College’s ethos and strategy to further innovation and scientific discoveries in healthcare and medicine" Prof Nick Jennings Vice-provost - Research and Enterprise

In order to understand the vasculature better and tackle such a big challenge as vascular disease a multidisciplinary approach is essential. By bringing together experts from different fields of science we can pool our knowledge and look for new answers. Imperial College London already has world leading scientists, clinicians and engineers working in the field of vascular science. This new Network will promote and support researchers from these different backgrounds to work together to attract increased funding and address the unmet questions in vascular science and disease. 

The launch event for the Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science took place on the 26 of March 2018 on the South Kensington campus.

The event was opened by Professor Nick Jennings (Vice-provost, Research and Enterprise) and an introduction to the network was given by Prof Dorian Haskard. Nick Jennings commented “I was delighted to open the launch event for the Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science. Collaboration across our Faculties is key to the College’s ethos and strategy to further innovation and scientific discoveries in healthcare and medicineWith world-class expertise in disciplines such as tissue engineering and fluid dynamics through to cell biology and immunology, Imperial is exceptionally well placed to take a multi-disciplinary approach to further our understanding of the physiology and pathology of the vasculature; creating novel tools and insights to improve diagnosis and treatments of the wide spectrum of associated diseases".

The opening of the event was followed by short talks from representatives from the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Natural Sciences. The event was a great success with over 75 posters presented by research groups from across the three Faculties with approximately 130 staff and students in attendance. Professor Haskard said “the networking event was a wonderful opportunity for scientists and clinicians to meet vascular researchers from all over Imperial, and to discuss possible future collaborative opportunities making full use of the multidisciplinary breadth and depth that the College offers”.

Through its work the Network aims to increase participation in vascular research within Imperial and expand the integrative skill set available to tackle related diseases. It also aims to enhance student training and broaden the outlook in the field, as well as increase the external visibility of vascular research at Imperial. The Network hopes that it can act as a platform and catalyst for collaborative projects and programme grant funding whilst supporting the creation of a series of special interest Centres within the framework of the Network focused on more specific research goals (e.g. vascular cell signalling, pulmonary hypertension, vascular imaging).

The Imperial Network of Excellence in Vascular Science already has over 100 members; more information on the network and its members can be found on the Network's webpage.