ChemEng Conversations #INWED18 Special


ChemEng Conversations INWED Special

To mark International Women in Engineering Day on Saturday 23 June we've filmed a special episode of ChemEng Conversations with four female engineers.

In this panel discussion, host and series creator Ravi Shankar asks the panel to describe what this years' International Women in Engineering Day theme, Raising The Bar, means to them and what advice they would give young girls and women interested in pursuing a career in STEM.

Watch the full video for an insightful, articulate and also entertaining conversation between four talented female engineers at Imperial College London.

With special thanks to Anna Regoutz, Chiara Heide, Humera Ansari and Lorena dos Santos de Souza from Imperial College London for taking part.

To watch the other episodes of ChemEng Conversations, visit our website


Sara West

Sara West
Communications Division


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