Imperial News

Road traffic injury

by Nikita Rathod

IGHI latest forum gathered to discuss road traffic injury and big data.

More than 90% of road traffic deaths occur in lower and middle-income countries. Injuries also disproportionately affect young men who often tend to be the breadwinners in these settings. To tackle this problem, researchers are developing a number of innovative strategies.

This month’s Global Health Forum was chaired by Dr Richard Smith who introduced the first speaker, Professor Mark Wilson, Professor of Practice from the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine. His talk focused on demonstrating GoodSAM, an app that allows alerters to dial the emergency services, and at the same time notify nearby medically qualified responders of a medical emergency. 

The second speaker, Dr Donald Redelmeier, Senior Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Trauma, Emergency & Critical Care Research Program from Sunnybrook Research Institute then provided a look at traffic crashes from the perspective of big data science.

The final presentation was given by Miss Seema Yalamanchili, Clinical Research Fellow and Trauma Surgeon, Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare Trust who gave attendees some insight into the need for resources and data to create effective trauma systems to tackle road traffic injury.

The full event can be watched in the video here

Video link 

IGHI Podcast

If you're interested in this topic, listen to our recent podcast where we spoke to Miss Seema Yalamanchili to discuss the trend of road traffic collisions in lower and middle-income countries.

Get involved 

IGHI’s monthly Global Health Forums provide a platform to bring together Imperial researchers, students, and staff from across all of Imperial’s Faculties to highlight, discuss and disseminate findings on current research and innovations on relevant global health topics. The Forums encourage interdisciplinary discussions with the intention that they will foster inter-Faculty research initiatives and leverage the immense strengths of Imperial College to resolve global health priorities of the early 21st Century. IGHI’s Global Health Forum will resume in autumn 2018.