Imperial News

CDT Neurotechnology researchers invited to 10 Downing St

by Kate Hobson

CDT Neurotech-affiliated student Samuel Wilson & supervisor Ravi Vaidyanathan participate in Prime MInister's Roundatable event with Tech industry

CDT Neurotechnology-affiliated student Samuel Wilson and his supervisor Ravi Vaidyanathan were invited to present their work on human-robot interface at 10 Downing street for the garden reception for the Prime Minister’s Roundtable even with Tech industry recently (

Their work was selected as a tiny sampling showcasing British Technology to a group of Ministers and Industrial Guests.  Sam has also won support from the UK Med Tech Accelerator to found a new company to commercialize the work, which will progress early this summer.

Sam Wilson and Ravi Vaidyanathan work in the Biomechatronics Lab at Imperial.
