Congratulations to Dr Konstantinos Steiros who won the 2016-2017 Department of Aeronautics PhD Prize.
Konstantinos was awarded the prize for his PhD Dissertation ‘Effect of impeller design and rotation protocol on the power consumption of turbulent stirred tanks.’
Congratulations also to Dr Rowan Brackston and Dr Immanuvel Paul who were the two equal runners-up for their PhD dissertations: ‘Evolution of velocity and scalar gradients in a spatially developing turbulence’ (Immanuvel Paul) and ‘Feedback control of three-dimensional bluff body wakes for efficient drag reduction’ (Rowan Brackston).
The prize is given to the best PhD thesis fully completed in the Department between 1 October 2016 and 1 October 2017.
The Department Research Committee reviewed all twenty five PhD theses completed over this period and drew up a shortlist of six leading candidates. These were carefully scrutinised by a sub-committee of three senior Professors who held no relation to the six PhD students, either as supervisors or examiners.
The sub-committee drafted a further shortlist of three, and finally chose Kostas Steiros as the prize winner for the year.
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Sean Conner
Faculty of Natural Sciences

Contact details
Email: s.conner@imperial.ac.uk
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