Imperial News

Symposium Day for the MRes in Molecular Science & Engineering

by Dr Kieran Brophy

The inaugural IMSE MRes symposium took place on Tuesday 24th of July where students presented their exciting collaborative research projects.

The first cohort of students presented their exciting collaborative research projects with our industrial partners. The MRes, consisting of 7 students from all across the globe, was attended by industry supervisors, academics and members of the research groups in which students are based.

Masahiro Takenaga (left) won the Best Talk prize presented by MRes Programme Director George Jackson (centre) and IMSE Co-Director Claire Adjiman (right).

The students presented talks and posters on their research projects (3 months in industry, then 3 months on the same project at Imperial). Professor George Jackson, MRes Programme Director, together with the Co-Directors of IMSE, Professors Claire Adjiman and Nic Harrison, presented Masahiro Takenaga (pictured abovewith the Best Talk prize, and Xabier Jimenez Garces (pictured below) won the prize for best poster.

Xabier Jimenez Garces (left) who won the prize for best poster.

The event provided an opportunity to network with IMSE academics and industrial partners, celebrate this year’s research projects and explore possibilities for future collaborative research.

Students were based in companies and institutes as diverse as BASF, P&G, PSE, STFC Hartree. 

If any companies are interested in working on collaborative research projects and hosting MRes students, please contact George Jackson or Steph Pendlebury.