Imperial News

Chinese scholars celebrated at Imperial

by Joanna Wilson

Leaders from the China Scholarship Council met some of the brightest students they support at Imperial last week.

The delegation, which included Mr Wang Shenggang, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Scholarship Council (CSC), visited the Dyson School of Design Engineering and the Hazelab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering to see some of the work of Imperial student scholars. They also met with Professor Nick Jennings, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise).

My tutor is the best in the world in his field, so Imperial is the best place for me to further my research. Yuqi Hu PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Among the China Scholarship Council’s support for Imperial is a programme that enables talented Chinese students to undertake a PhD at the College. During the visit, the scholars, their supervisors and the delegation had the chance to network over lunch.

We met some of the scholars to find out about their journey to Imperial and how the support from the CSC helps:

Xiaolong Chen

Xiaolong is a PhD student in the Dyson School of Design Engineering, researching metal 3D printing.

Xiaolong Chen, PhD student in the Dyson School of Design Engineering

What made you want to study at Imperial?

The first thing that attracted me to Imperial was the research environment. You are able to speak to your supervisor and decide what you want to do. The other thing is London! It’s a very good city to live in and enjoy.

How has the CSC scholarships programme helped you?

It has given me very strong support in terms of living costs and giving me stability. I don’t need to worry about my life here because of the support from the CSC.

It’s also useful to keep on track because every half year you have to summarise what you have done and report to both your supervisor and the CSC.

Yuqi Hu

Yuqi is researching smouldering peat fires for his PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is based in Professor Guillermo Rein’s Hazelab, visited by the delegation.

Yuqi Hu, PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

What attracted you to Imperial to do your PhD?
My tutor is the best in the world in his field, so Imperial is the best place for me to further my research. 

How has the CSC scholarships helped you?
Quite a lot! It provides me with the best platform and opportunity to come here to study. I have the ability to do a lot of research exchanges with different universities, and different subjects even, as our field is quite interdisciplinary.

Also I have the chance to attend lots of conferences, all supported by the scheme. Networking is also quite important.

My tutor has been very supportive with everything. It has been a really great experience doing my PhD here.

Professor Guillermo Rein

Professor Rein is Professor of Fire Science at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Yuqi’s supervisor. 

Yuqi Hu and Professor Guillermo Rein

What is the importance of the CSC scholarships?

It is essential. The CSC creates a massive advantage for top Chinese students to be at Imperial. It is game-changing for the relationship with China.

Imperial has a lot of links with China – how does this programme reinforce that?

I have three CSC students in my group, and I am looking to get a fourth. Every year I look for top Chinese students that want to join us and we support one per year. I plan to do this in the future, it’s a way of growing the team. I’m very thankful.

Imperial and China

This scholarship programme builds on Imperial's existing relationship with China. The College has extensive research links with Chinese research institutions and universities, making it the UK’s top STEM research collaborator with China. There are 2,600 Chinese students at Imperial – our largest international group – and 225 Chinese staff carrying out world leading research.

Photography: Jody Kingzett