Imperial News

Global Health Forum: Cancer technologies

by Nikita Rathod

IGHI’s Global Health Forum returned for the new academic year tackling cancer technologies.

Globally, 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer in 2018. However promising discoveries in technology mean that there is increasing hope and new methods that we can look to when it comes to treatment, diagnosis of the disease. 

Chaired by Professor Peter Burney, the Forum kicked off with a talk from Mr Daniel Leff, Reader in Breast Surgery, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Faculty of Medicine. He explained the problems associated with margins that surgeons and patients can face as a result of breast conserving surgery. Mr Leff also provided insight into the technologies that are being used to tackle this such as the iKnife.

The second presentation was delivered by Abellona U, Research Postgraduate, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, also the 2017 winner of IGHI’s Student Challenges Competition. Her talk focussed on her work on novel diagnostic biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma, the primary malignancy of the liver. 

Dr Richard Kelwick provided the final talk of the Forum looking at "The emerging importance of extracellular vesicles in cancer detection" before the three speakers took questions from the audience. 

The full event can be watched in the video here.

Listen to our latest podcast recorded before the event where IGHI spoke to Abellona U about the progress of cancer technologies. 

Get involved  

IGHI’s monthly Global Health Forums provide a platform to bring together Imperial researchers, students, and staff from across all of Imperial’s Faculties to highlight, discuss and disseminate findings on current research and innovations on relevant global health topics. The Forums encourage interdisciplinary discussions with the intention that they will foster inter-Faculty research initiatives and leverage the immense strengths of Imperial College to resolve global health priorities of the early 21st Century.

The next forum will take place on 22 November 3:00pm on St Mary’s campus in Roger Bannister lecture theatre which will focus on hepatitis..

To find out more and to register, visit the event page here.