Imperial News

Can of worms: Immersive exhibit explores the complexity of sharing patient data

by Justine Alford

Immersive event will explore new ways of engaging the public in complex health topics.

Would you share your medical information to help improve standards of healthcare?

How do we get the balance right between protecting people’s privacy and making healthcare better?

Talking about healthcare data is complicated and messy — like opening a can of worms — and can raise difficult questions. So to tackle subjects like these, the Helix Centre is running a free, public exhibition from Thursday 29 November to Sunday 2 December in their studio at St Mary’s Hospital.

Through storytelling and playful discovery, this interactive event captures the complexity of sharing health data and sparks informed conversations. Hosted in partnership with the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London, the event will give visitors the chance to consider the complexities associated with sharing healthcare data.

About Helix 

Helix Centre is an innovation lab working at the heart of healthcare, based at St. Mary's Hospital in London. As part of Imperial's Institute of Global Health Innovation, it works to translate research into new products and services that improve health outcomes.

Helix's interdisciplinary team of clinicians, designers, technologists, engineers and researchers collaborates with a diverse range of partners and the public to design, develop and test new digital solutions across a range of healthcare challenges. Its current projects are in advance care planning, clinical decision support, stroke rehabilitation and end of life care.

Event details

The exhibition is free and open to the public, running from November 29th to December 2nd at the Helix Centre pop-up studio, St. Mary’s Hospital, from 11:00am until 8:00pm (until 5:00pm on Sunday).

The event is being sponsored by National Institute for Health Research, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, DeepMind Health, NHS Digital, NHS England, Understanding Patient Data, The British Heart Foundation and Reform.