Imperial News

New academics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

by Emma Rainbow

We welcomed Dr Carlo Ciliberto and Dr Ayush Bhandari to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering last term.

Carlo is based in the Intelligent Systems and Networks group, and he graduated in Mathematics at the University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy in 2008. He received his PhD in Machine Learning applied to Computer Vision and Robotics from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy in 2012. After his PhD, from 2013 to 2017 Carlo was a Postdoctoral fellow in the Poggio Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 2017 to 2018 he was a research associate at University College London. 

Carlo's main research interest is in machine learning theory and applications. In particular he investigates theoretical questions related to leveraging contextual or structural information, such as in multi-task learning, transfer learning, meta learning and structured prediction. Carlo's focus is to develop robust machine learning systems that can be deployed in the real world, in particular for computer vision and robotics applications. He will be teaching our third year course Deep Learning.

Ayush is based in the Communications and Signal Processing group.  He received his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018. His work involves co-design of hardware and mathematical algorithms so that popularly held limits in data capture and imaging can be broken. Some examples of this approach include time-resolved imaging, low-cost bio-imaging and the unlimited sensing framework. His work has led to several publications and over 10 patent applications in a variety of areas including harmonic analysis, signal processing, information theory, optics and computer vision. He has taught courses/tutorials at conferences such as ACM Siggraph and IEEE ICCV.  

His work on computational imaging is being shaped as a forthcoming book in MIT Press.  New sensing/imaging modalities developed by Ayush have been widely covered by the media. He has held research positions at EPFL (Switzerland), CUHK (Hong Kong), Temasek Labs/NTU (Singapore) and INRIA-Rennes (France).  He has been a visiting researcher at the Max-Planck Institute, TU Munich, among other places and was a short-term visitor at the University of Cambridge, Technion Israel, Norbert Weiner Center (UMD) and University College London. 

Find out more about the Intelligent Systems and Networks group

Find out more about the Communications and Signal Processing group