Petroleum Experts has donated £1.3 million of software to Imperial


MSc students working with computers

Petroleum Experts (PetEx) has donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite, the commercial equivalent of which is £1,308,000.00, to Imperial.

Petroleum Experts (PetEx) has donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite, the commercial equivalent of which is £1,308,000.00, to Imperial College London

Subsurface image

MOVE provides a powerful environment for integrating and modelling 2D & 3D surface and subsurface data for a variety of applications - geological, geochemical, geophysical and geomechanical. It is an essential tool in undergraduate and postgraduateteaching programmes, and for research across Earth Science & Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering departments.

Our Petroleum Engineering MSc students benefit from the use of current industry software during the course, and it prepares them to work effectively in industry.



Victoria Murphy

Victoria Murphy
Institute of Global Health Innovation