Imperial News

Petroleum Experts has donated £1.3 million of software to Imperial

by Victoria Murphy

Petroleum Experts (PetEx) has donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite, the commercial equivalent of which is £1,308,000.00, to Imperial.

Petroleum Experts (PetEx) has donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite, the commercial equivalent of which is £1,308,000.00, to Imperial College London

MOVE provides a powerful environment for integrating and modelling 2D & 3D surface and subsurface data for a variety of applications - geological, geochemical, geophysical and geomechanical. It is an essential tool in undergraduate and postgraduateteaching programmes, and for research across Earth Science & Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering departments.

Our Petroleum Engineering MSc students benefit from the use of current industry software during the course, and it prepares them to work effectively in industry.