Imperial News

TSM CDT Student Prizes (part 3 of 3)

by Naho Ollason

The winners of this year's Outreach prizes have been announced.

Outreach Prize

Marie Rider

Marie commits lots of time to outreach activities and actively champions helping women and students from underrepresented backgrounds in science. She offers free science and maths tutoring to students who have university aspirations as well as participating in role-model seminars. She has been a maths and science session leader for the Wohl Outreach Lab at Imperial and volunteered to help with the marking for the IOP physics competition for undergraduates and master's students. Marie also contributed to the Imperial Festival. For all of these wonderful contributions and her longstanding passion and commitment to outreach, she is awarded the TSM-CDT Outreach Prize.

Special Outreach Prize

Jana Smutna, Tomos Wells, Martik Aghajanian, Alise Virbule, Luca Reali, Ignacio Bordeu-Weldt, Iacopo Rovelli, Rosemary Teague, Farnaz Ostovari, Charles Penny and Jacob Wilson* (*PhD student in Materials and a key developer of the Materials Design app).

A special outreach prize is awarded to the team that helped Emanuele, Sophie and Matthew develop and deliver the Code for Creation stand at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition last year. These students contributed to the stand in many important ways bringing their individual skills and abilities to the project as well as dedicating much of their time to share their excitement for research with the public.