Imperial News

Student Wellbeing Champion Award for Mech Eng researcher

by Nadia Barbu

Dr Francesco Restuccia received the award for Student Wellbeing Champion at the 2019 Student Academic Choice Awards (SACA).

Dr Restuccia is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Hazelab group, and the Warden of the Wilson House student residence hall. The SACAs are organised by the Imperial College Union and aim to empower students to recognise, reward and celebrate excellence amongst College staff.

“I am incredibly proud and honoured to receive the SACA for Student Wellbeing Champion, it means so much to be nominated and recognised by the students for the work we do in supporting their wellbeing and success here at Imperial College. I strive to help students both in the Department of Mechanical Engineering as well as in halls as the Warden of Wilson House, the second biggest Imperial College Hall, where I lead a fantastic team in providing pastoral support 24 hours a day for 400 undergraduates each year. Student wellbeing is a team effort, and both at the departmental level and in the wardening community I am extremely lucky to be working with so many people who are constantly trying to improve the student experience of both our undergraduate and postgraduate students”, said Dr Francesco Restuccia.

Student Wellbeing Champion is a new category for the SACAs and recognises staff who are proactive in enhancing the wellbeing of their students by:

  • Making student wellbeing a clear priority
  • Being proactive in their approach to tackle wellbeing issues
  • Providing effective advice, support and guidance to help students take care of themselves.

The award ceremony took place on 13 May. The Imperial College Union received over 1,500 nominations by the students this year and had over 800 staff members nominated across the 11 award categories.