Imperial News

New "What can I do with my degree?" pages now live on the careers website!

by Ben Bartram

The Careers service has created brand new content offering career options and resources specific to each degree subject!

Are you wondering what you can do with your chemistry degree? Or maybe you are struggling to find resources and links specifically relating to environmental technology? Then the new "What can I do with my degree?" pages - now live on the careers website - are the place to start!

Put together by our team of expert careers consultants, each page contains a link to a PDF download containing advice relating to your degree path, information on what fellow graduates have gone on to do, and more.

Links to Professional associations & membership organisations

Taking out student membership of a relevant professional body or working toward chartered professional accreditation, can significantly increase your career options and be a great boost to your CV. Student memberships can give access to job listings and careers information while offering great networking opportunities

But it can be difficult to know which ones are reputable or standard for any given industry or career path, which is why the Careers service has put together lists of must-know professional associations and membership organisations.

Specialist recruitment agencies & jobs boards

Finding the right recruitment agencies and jobs boards relating to your field can be tricky, as there are thousands of recruitment companies operating in the UK and internationally. And while an agency can bring many benefits to a job seeker it’s important to remember that the agent is working for their client (that’s the company with the job vacancy) and you are simply a resource they can profit from.

That being said, they can be an invaluable resource to draw upon in a job search, so our consultants have put together lists of reputable jobs boards and agencies relating to every degree subject or field.

These are just two examples of the resources included in the new section of the website. These pages are a fantastic addition to the careers resources available to Imperial students, so check out the "What can I do with my degree?" pages now!