Imperial News

Student prizes announced

by Ms Cleo Bowen

Horizons student prize-winners 2018-19 have now been named, with four students recognised for their exceptional work this academic year.

The Sir Arthur Acland Prize for Excellence in Humanities is awarded to Fred Fyles, final year Medicine student, for his Advanced Humanities Project. The panel of judges was very impressed by Fred's project on representations of HIV in the 1980s and 1990s.

This year the Sir Arthur Acland Prize for Excellence in Languages is awarded jointly. The 2018-19 winners are:

Joshua Gabriel Sia, 2nd Year Biomedical Engineering, for his work in Spanish (Level 4), and

Yannis Demetriades, 4th Year Biochemistry with Research Abroad, for his work in Spanish (Level 5). 

The Rector’s Prize for Communication Skills, which is awarded to the highest scoring student on the Imperial Horizons module Communicating Science, has this year been awarded to Sing Ting (Tiffany) Yu.

Congratulations to all the prize-winners for your achievements!