Imperial News

Student activity recognition for Aeronautics Undergraduates

by Tom Creese

Shakunt Tambe and Toby Freeland are among the winners of this year’s Student Activity Awards.

The Old Centralians' Trust has announced that undergraduate Aeronautics students Shakunt Tambe and Toby Freeland are among the winners of the 2019-20 Student Activity Awards.

The annual awards aim to encourage extra-curricular activity among undergraduate students during their time at Imperial College London, with each award valued at £750.

Over three years, Shakunt acted as Head of Design and Marketing for the Imperial Hindu Society and was then President for the 2018/19 Academic year. This required extensive commitment, but has led the society to become the biggest Hindu society in a network of 40+ universities across the country (affiliated with the National Hindu Students' Forum), responsible for promoting the Indian Hindu culture, faith and bringing festivities to the 250+ Imperial students.

Shakunt says "Further to the time-management required to run these weekly events, I have helped the society to secure over £2k of sponsorship this year and helped run 25 events this year, ranging from cultural showcases, freshers' dancers, charity sales and festive celebrations."

Toby held three roles over two years with a role as captain of Imperial College Gliding Club, as well as roles as Social Secretary and White team captain (the 2nd team) for the Sailing Club.

He says "As the only Imperial undergraduate with an instructor rating, I teach students during the weekend, as well as driving them to the airfield."

For the Sailing club, Toby's involvement required him to sail three times a week and going to competitions, often requiring him to take weekends off from university work. 

Toby adds “As Social Sec, I worked hard to integrate the new sailors with the rest of the club by organising many social events throughout the year. I am also one of only a few Dinghy instructors in the club, so I am often teaching sailing alongside my own team’s training.”

More information about the City & Guilds College Association can be found here.