Imperial News

Aidan Cunnington and Peter Torok win Student Activity Awards

by Nadia Barbu

Two Mechanical Engineering students have been awarded 'Student Activity Awards' for 2019-20 by The Old Centralians' Trust.

The awards, each valued at £750, are aimed at encouraging undergraduate students in the pursuit of extra-curricular activity during their time at Imperial.

The Charitable Trust of the City & Guilds College Association (formerly the ‘Old Centralians’) is offering two awards for each of the ten of the Departments in the Faculty of Engineering every year. Some bursaries carry the names of notable engineering Alumni who have given valuable service to the City & Guilds College Association.

The Mechanical Engineering winners are third year student Peter Torok and fourth year student Aidan Cunnington (Theo Marx Award).

Peter's extra-curricular activities included working as Hall Senior for Wilson House student residence, maintaining City&Guilds mascot Boanerges as part of Motor Club Team Bo, acting as Secretary to the College's Hungarian Society and playing the clarinet in the Imperial College Sinfonietta.

Aidan was recognised for managing Imperial’s Darkroom (where students can develop and print analogue photography film), as well as hiking and volunteering. Aidan said: "At the end of this summer, I'm going to Japan to travel and visit a previous Darkroom Manager who's currently living out there. I'll take some photographs there with my film cameras and develop the photos here when I return. I'll make a photography zine of some of my favourite photographs of the trip. I'd love to return to Nepal next summer to visit the friends I made there, the family I lived with and go hiking in the Himalayas. Time to start planning!"