Imperial News

Best Reviewer at IJCAI-19: Postdoc Kristijonas Cyras

by Dylan Auty

DoC Postdoc Kristijonas Cyras is a Highly Distinguished Program Committee member (one in 4 out of 2818) of IJCAI 2019, world's premier AI conference.

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) is a world-leading AI conference. The quality of the conference program strongly depends on the hard work of the program committee members. Distinguished members were nominated by the Area Chairs and Senior Program Committee members for their exceptional reviewing contribution. In IJCAI 2019 there were 2818 program committee members who reviewed 4752 papers. Out of them, 4 were selected as Highly Distinguished Program Committee members. The department is proud to announce that one out of those four best reviewers is Kristijonas Cyras, a postdoc in the Computational Logic and
Argumentation (ClArg) group led by Prof Francesca Toni. See the official announcement here: