December is a busy month at the Central Library and we understand that it’s tempting to save a seat, but please consider others and share the space.
To help you do this we’ve introduced Study Break Cards - fill out a card, leave it on your desk and take a 30-minute break without needing to clear your belongings.
Study break cards will be available at the Information Hub and on all levels from December.
If you wish to leave the library for longer than 30 minutes take all your belongings with you - never leave your valuables unattended.
Our Attendants may clear desks that have been left unattended for over 30 minutes.
If a desk has been left unattended for over 30 minutes without a Study Break Card, you may ask an Attendant to clear it or text 020 7594 8883 anonymously (remember to give the desk number).
Thank you for your co-operation.
Article text (excluding photos or graphics) © Imperial College London.
Photos and graphics subject to third party copyright used with permission or © Imperial College London.

Janet Corcoran
Library Services

Contact details
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8867
Email: j.m.corcoran@imperial.ac.uk
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