Imperial News

CSEI - Industry Showcase event

by Tim Gordon

CSEI - Industry Showcase event

CSEI - Industry Showcase event

On 14th November 2019 the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI) held its third annual Industry Showcase event.

With a theme of Systems Approaches to Transforming Construction CSEI welcomed over 60 of our industry partners, collaborator and colleagues to explore the question - What roles do systems engineering and innovation play in transforming the delivery and operation of built infrastructure?


Our first keynote, Ivan Lucic, Network Rail, addressed Network Rails need for systems integration for delivery:

“Systems Integration is vital to improving passenger experience and to delivering a reliable, safe, secure, operable and maintainable railway. Our systems integration programme means that we can be joined-up when it comes to project delivery, helping us to make sure all the components of our railway are working well together. Where they have been designed in conjunction with the users, having common processes is an aid to deeper devolution. It’s another reason why the use of the systems integration approach, planning early and considering the impact of our projects on the railway system is not an opt in option, but fundamental to ensuring we deliver on our promises to passengers and freight users.”- Andrew Haines, August 2019

Our second keynote Phil Wilbraham, Heather Expansion, explained the airports targets, delivery model and future.

As well as presentations from CSEI it was an opportunity for delegates to learn about our cross collaborative work across the college and also outcomes on the Centres small projects “3D MOVE upgrade for visualising BIM” and “Fuzzy extensions of the BIM” which were awarded in February 2019.

Our panel session disccused the topics raised earlier in the day with Professor Whyte opening with comments on the background to the Transforming Construction Industry Sector Deal and the work of the Construction Leadership Council, and how it is being implemented through the £170M Industry Sector Challenge Fund – its major investments and also the work of the Transforming Construction Network Plus.


09.00 09.30 - Registration

09.30 09.35 - Welcome
Professor Nick Buenfeld, Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London

09.35 10.00 - Introduction to the Centre / Overview of the Day
Professor Jennifer Whyte, Director of the Centre for System Engineering and Innovation, Imperial College London

10.00 10.30 Keynote 1
The railways and systems engineering. Ivan Lucic, Network Rail

10.30 11.00 - Session 1. Digital delivery and systems integration
• Platform-based approach to design, manufacturing and assembly of industrialised modular buildings. Dr Vincent Gan, visitor lecturer at Imperial College London
• Fuzzy extensions of the BIM. Dr Miguel Molina-Solana, Imperial College London
• Computer vision and construction scheduling. Marcus Wallbaum, Imperial College London and Jack Li, Contilio

11.00 11.20 - Coffee and Networking, Student and Project Research Posters

11.20 11.50 Session 2. - Infrastructure Interdependencies
• 3D MOVE upgrade for visualising BIM. Ranjith Soman and Dr Akeem Pedro, Imperial College London
• Analysing systems interdependencies using a digital twin. Dr Long Chen, Imperial College London
• Systems approach to water management. Dr Ana Mijic, Imperial College London

11.50 12.30 - Panel Discussion - System Integration and Transforming Construction
Alex Lubbock, Infrastructure and Projects Authority
Ivan Lucic and Derek Price, Network Rail
Nassar Majothi, WSP
Dr Chris Millard, Laing O’Rourke
Hannah Vickers - Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE)

12.30 13.20 - Lunch – Stephenson Room

13.20 13.50 - Keynote 2
Heathrow Expansion – The Delivery Plan. Phil Wilbraham, Heathrow Expansion Programme

13.50 14.00 - Close out – Best Paper / Poster Award