Imperial News

Mech Eng academics featured in recent Imperial stories

by Nadia Barbu

Six Imperial students and members of staff shared the story of their disabilities that are not immediately apparent to others.

Professor David Nowell, Director of the Vibration University Technology Centre in our department, talked about his experience living with chronic pain and fatigue following a stroke.

“Being disabled has made a difference in how I approach my work. I think I’m much more empathetic and understanding now, more patient”, Professor Nowell said.

The article was published as part of the UK’s Disability History Month, which runs from runs from 22 November to 22 December.

Dr Bamber Blackman, Professor Maria Charalambides and Dr Manu Mulakkal, photo by James Tye

In a story on making plastic materials more sustainable, Professor Maria Charalambides talked about work taking place in our department to address the issue of multilayer packaging.

This type of packaging material, consisting of different films adhered on top of one another, is very challenging to recycle because the layers can’t easily be separated.

Professor Charalambides is looking into ways of partially bonding separate films so that they can easily be separated afterwards during recycling: “This will be very much industry-driven. I’m hoping that new ideas will emerge from collaboration with our industrial partners – so we’re able to propose a holistic solution.”collaboration with our industrial partners – so we’re able to propose a holistic solution.”