Imperial News

CPSE academic appointed Interim Head of UCL Chemical Engineering department

by Senait Selassie

Professor Eva Sorensen has been appointed the first female Head of Chemical Engineering at UCL since the department opened nearly 100 years ago.

Professor Sorensen began as Interim Head on 1 January 2020, after former Head of Department Professor Marc-Olivier Coppens began a one-year sabbatical.  Professor Coppens had been in the role was seven years and was delighted to pass the reigns to Professor Sorensen.

Professor Coppens said: “I know the department will be in excellent hands during my sabbatical. Ours is a fantastic department, in the quality of the work and, especially, the people themselves - it's a tremendous privilege to lead. Eva fully realises this and will ensure continuity and new perspectives to move us to further successes over the next year.”

Professor Sorensen joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCL in 1996. She received her degree of sivil ingeniør (MSc) in Chemical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 1989 and obtained the degree of doktor ingeniør (PhD) from the same institution in 1994. Following this, she spent one year at the Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) at Imperial College London as a postdoctoral researcher and continues to be a highly regarded member of the centre.

Professor Sorensen has received many awards and recognitions during her career including the ExxonMobil Teaching Fellow (2013), UCL Faculty of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award (2002), the PROSE Award for Chemistry & Physics (2015), the IChemE Frank Morton Medal  (2017) and a SEFI Fellowship Award (2018).

Professor Sorensen commented on her first few weeks in her new role, saying: “My first few weeks have been very busy indeed, particularly as January is budget month, but my colleagues at all levels are just wonderful, and very hardworking, which make the job an absolute joy!”

Professor Nilay Shah, Head of Chemical Engineering and Imperial College London and former Director of CPSE commented: “It’s great to see Eva’s contributions to research, education and service recognised by her elevation to Interim Head of Department. We wish her well in the role”.