Imperial News

EEE Department staff thank their brilliant colleagues

by Jane Horrell

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has announced the winners of our first ‘Celebrating Great Contributions' awards.

The four new awards will help us reward and celebrate the achievements and hard work of individuals and teams, and their contribution to the success of the Department.

The scheme is part of our commitment to building and maintaining a supportive, inclusive and motivated community, and will take place twice a year to ensure a timely and meaningful recognition.

All staff members can nominate their colleagues for outstanding efforts that help make our department a positive, collaborative and innovative place to work.

The awards were announced by Head of Department Professor Eric Yeatman:

We received many strong recommendations, and the panel was not short of deserving nominees – quite the reverse! It’s clear not only how many of our colleagues go above and beyond, but how widely these efforts are appreciated. It was my privilege to announce the winners, and my congratulations again to them, and my thanks to all the nominees and nominators. I look forward to announcing further awards in December, perhaps even in a non-virtual event!

The next call for nominations will be announced in November 2020. Find out more about the Celebrating Great Contributions Awards.

Teamwork award

Two awards have been made this round:

Remote assessments team

Kay Hancox, Emma Rainbow, Duncan Rossiter, Kate Farrar, Lina Brazinskaite, Zohaib Akhtar, Danny Harvey, Paul Norman, Kristel Fobelets, Amine Halimi and Alastair Gemmill (Faculty of Engineering Ed Tech Team).

The first Teamwork award recognises the extraordinary efforts of the staff responsible for enabling student remote assessment after the College shutdown.

The team were praised for their effective collaboration, quick problem solving, initiative and enthusiasm, and for their hard work, professionalism, innovation and resilience in designing and managing the rapid transition to online assessments, including Wiseflow.

Members of this team have developed and coordinated the entire process of exam setting, marking and running the assessments, which has amounted to almost 4,000 individual submissions.

Curriculum review team

Zohaib Akhtar, Steve Wright, Dan Nucinkis, Esther Perea, Tom Clark, Ed Stott, David Thomas, and Kristel Fobelets.

The second Teamwork award is given to the Curriculum Review team for their hard work and dedication in supporting and delivering the successful implementation of our new curriculum during the last two years, which has seen the launch of innovative approaches to teaching and assessment.

Members of the team went beyond what was expected from them and took on a large workload in order to ensure its success.

Colleague appreciation award

The Department made three awards in this category:

Wiesia Hsissen - Circuits and Systems Research Group

Wiesia’s award shines a spotlight on her role at the heart of the research group she has worked in for over two decades, and her contribution to the research successes of the group and individuals, both through her dedication and organisation, and her ability to make the working environment a positive place.

She is described as “someone who makes our work life better just by being there, and cares about every single one of us from the Professor to the MSc student.”

 “Wiesia always has an ear for whoever needs her, and her words of comfort in stressful situations sometimes goes further in diffusing those situations than conventional working tools. She truly is someone we should all learn a little bit from.” 

Izabela Wojcicka-Grzesiak - Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology

Iza’s nomination highlights her truly exceptional customer service and the many significant additional responsibilities she takes on for the group including support for early career researchers, and most recently during lockdown her efforts to maintain contact with group members and ensure their wellbeing.

“Iza's diligence and dedication are witnessed by all she works with, and she plays a major role in making our work environment an exceptionally happy, supportive and sociable place.”

Hisham Maarki - Stores Manager

Hisham has been recognised for his consistent support and commitment to our Department, through both his excellent work in customer service as well as covering additional roles and tasks in response to change.

His nomination also reflects his development as a leader, which he has demonstrated with teamwork projects outside of his role.

“The EE Stores is the prime example of a how College stores should be run; well-managed, efficient and making good use of technology. Hisham’s leadership and commitment in making this happen, and his drive to support others in any way he can, sets a good example to all of us.

Collaboration award

Lacewing CBIT Team

Matthew Cavuto, Kenny Malpartida Cardenas, Luca Miglietta, Ahmad Moniri, Nicolas Moser, Ivana Pennisi, Jesus Rodriguez Manzano.

The Lacewing team members have won the Collaboration award for their outstanding contributions and service during the COVID19 pandemic. Their nomination cited the creativity and innovation they showed in developing their rapid, hand-held Covid-19 diagnostic technology as well as their dedication:

“During lockdown, team members chose to remain active in the lab to help with the pandemic and enthusiastically worked every day — even during the peak when the risk was greatest — to achieve this goal.”

Inspiration award

Kristel Fobelets

Kristel’s award honours her exceptional dedication and commitment to teaching and learning in the Department in her role as Director of Undergraduate Studies.

During the last seven years she has undertaken the challenges of implementing an improved and updated curriculum, introducing innovative teaching and learning methods, and she has helped ensure that students have a positive experience by creating an atmosphere of dialogue and discussion which gives them investment in the outcomes.

Her nomination also focuses on her leadership during the recent College closure, and the motivation and support she gives to students and also to her staff teams — helping them develop their roles and empowering them to make professional decisions.

“Kristel is a highly motivated, supportive and enthusiastic colleague who always has time for her colleagues; she works extremely hard and very long hours in order to create a better department. Her contagious enthusiasm inspires my desire to improve myself and the world around me, as well as pushing me to do things to the best of my ability.”

Inspiration award special commendation

Steve Wright

The Department can only make one award in this category, but we are delighted to award Teaching Fellow Steve Wright with a special commendation for his inspiration to colleagues in research and in teaching.  

Steve is celebrated for his invaluable support as a skilful engineer and researcher, for example with industrial collaborations, delivering of novel and functioning solutions, as well as his personal qualities that contribute to building a friendly and positive working environment. “Steve’s kindness, respectfulness and positive mentality makes him a person that one is exceptionally lucky to meet.”

His “gentle but no-nonsense disposition” means he is also loved by the students for his patience and understanding as well as his knowledge and ability, enabling them to become confident engineers and often inspiring them to take on hardware projects in final year. “When students are stuck, they know where to find Steve, hidden as he is on level 10. If only we could clone him!”