Imperial News

Imperial’s expertise to help companies to shape the ‘new normal’

by Mike Jones

Imperial’s world-leading academics have been prominent in responding to COVID-19. As lockdowns eases, they’re helping shape our long-term adaptation.

From transport to the environment, and from food security to the workplace, daily life has changed for billions of people in a few short months, with businesses in particular looking to adapt policies and processes quickly as governmental economic support begins to dry up.

In order to support organisations across the world as they design their ‘new normal’, Imperial’s Enterprise Division has pulled together a number of useful insights into our experts’ current thinking to provide inspiration dealing with post-lockdown challenges, as well as identifying solutions to specific needs.

The initiative also provides information about startups and technology licenses from across the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the College

Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic into the ‘new normal’

Alistair McDermott, Executive Director of Imperial Consultants, said: “Our lives have been changed drastically, and many people and organisations have adapted to the immediate and acute challenges we face. 

“The Life After Lockdown initiative will help organisations move into the second phase of planning and delivery, looking at longer-term policies and processes, while keeping focused on the sustainability of their businesses as we help them build for the future.”

Imperial Consultants works with hundreds of companies to provide access to the College’s actionable insights.

The work delivered by the academic consultants helps businesses improve their activities as well as providing vital specialist scientific and technological assistance for authorities who design or influence policy decisions.

Case study: Nudging customers’ behaviour to offset emissions

Researchers from Imperial’s Centre for Environmental Policy recently completed a piece of work with Bulb energy, the UK’s fastest-growing energy supplier, helping develop their customers’ carbon tracker. 

This innovative work has enabled customers to calculate their own carbon footprints more accurately and encourages them to make positive lifestyle changes, as well as funding carbon offsetting projects around the world.

Case study: Adapting to changing transportation requirements during the crisis

Imperial’s Transport Strategy Centre has delivered a number of high-profile projects with transport authorities across the world, and have been well-placed to guide those same authorities through the acute impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The team has developed and iterated a number of measures that transport providers can and should put in place at the present time to reflect the changing customer numbers and different governmental requirements for the transport sector, and are also providing guidance and insights for the coming months and years as budgets are squeezed and there is widespread reassessment of the provisions required to keep people moving.

Thinking local and global

As countries’ responses to the pandemic evolves, the College’s academic expertise will help organisations around the world develop smarter, healthier, more sustainable and more resilient societies

Through work with national and global industry partners across all sectors, the Life After Lockdown initiative will enable Imperial’s insights to shape multiple organisations’ shared approach to improving lives for millions around the world.