Imperial News

Congratulations to FoNS President’s and Provost’s Awards winners!

by Claudia Cannon

Imperial’s annual awards recognise staff and students at all levels across research, teaching and professional services.

Nominations are made by staff and students to celebrate those whose outstanding commitment and valuable contributions have positively impacted the College's mission. A series of President’s Medals are also awarded to those deemed to have made particularly exceptional contributions.

Congratulations to the winners across the Faculty of Natural Sciences!

Congratulations to the Department of Life Sciences Technical Support Team!

The team won a Provost’s Award for Excellence in Health and Safety for their work prioritising safety during the recent autoclave replacement project.

Image above shows team members left to right: Javaid Iqbal, Alex Sierra-Rodriguez, Aaron Williams (since left), Allison Hunter, Steve Swan, Fiona May, Danny Peckham, Dina Fonseca, Lukasz Bukowski (James Mansfield and Ola Shobawale not shown).

Find out more about the team’s project, and the other Health and Safety award winners.

Congratulations to the Chemistry Athena SWAN Implementation Group, led by Maria Tortelli!

The team won the Julia Higgins Award, for those who have made a significant contribution to the support of academic women at the College. They also won the President’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award for Culture and Community for their successful achievement of the Department’s Gold Athena SWAN award.

Winners of the Julia Higgins award also included the WOMENinSTEM@IC group whose President, Helena Dodd (Chemistry Research Postgraduate), is featured in a news item about the winners.

Congratulations to Dr Philip Ramsden, Department of Mathematics!

Philip won the President’s Medal for Excellence in Societal Engagement for his contributions to outreach, widening participation and national secondary education: ‘since joining the Department of Mathematics in 1993 Philip has worked tirelessly to widen participation and increase the popularity of maths.’

‘There has been a palpable cultural change at the College,’ says Philip. ‘There was more of an ivory tower culture when I joined than there is now. We have always situated ourselves internationally, which continues to be important, but I am glad that we are also beginning to see ourselves as having an impact on the local level within west London.’

Read more about the award and Dr Ramsden’s engagement work.

Congratulations to Professor Jake Baum’s team in the Department of Life Sciences!

Jake and his team won a President’s Achievement Award for Societal Engagement for their ‘brilliant’ primary school collaboration, engaging children in evidenced-based scientific research.

Congratulations to Vanessa Madu, Department of Mathematics!

Undergraduate student, Vanessa Madu, has led ‘an impressive range of activities to engage and support young women in STEM demonstrating huge commitment to engagement alongside her degree’.

Congratulations to Dr Euan Doidge (Chemistry) and Professor Richard Thomas (Mathematics)!

Euan and Richard each received a President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching for their outstanding teaching quality, organisation and presentation.

Congratulations to Professor Kevin Buzzard, Dr Marie-Amelie Lawn, Dr Thibault Bertrand and Dr Luke Delmas!

Kevin, Marie-Amelie and Thibault, from the Department of Mathematics, won the Medal for Teaching Innovation for the ‘hard work and dedication’ they’ve put into the Introduction to University Mathematics module, which showcases innovative teaching methods well-received by first year maths students.

Luke, from the Department of Chemistry, won an Award for Teaching Innovation for being ‘a key player in the high profile and well-received undergraduate module, Chemical Kitchen’.

Congratulations to Dr Yasmin Andrew!

Yasmin won an award for outstanding contributions to enhancing the student experience in the Department of Physics.

Celebrating in lockdown

Awards winners and nominees are usually invited to the annual Imperial Garden Party. As access to College remains restricted due to COVID-19, this year’s announcement celebration took place virtually, with a view to celebrating together in person at the annual Garden Party next year.

Imperial’s President, Professor Alice Gast, emphasised to nominees and winners: ‘You are what makes Imperial the excellent institution it is and we are very proud of you – and you should be very proud of yourselves.’

Professor Richard Craster, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, reiterated these sentiments: ‘I’m delighted to congratulate colleagues in the Faculty for recognition of excellent contributions to the College. Please join me in applauding them on their outstanding achievements.’

Find out more about the different awards

President's Awards for Excellence in:

Provost's Awards for Excellence in:

Julia Higgins Medal and Awards