Imperial News

White Paper 4 launch – Can natural gas reduce emissions from transport?

by Zara Qadir

The Sustainable Gas Institute is launching its fourth White Paper - Can natural gas reduce emissions from transport? Heavy Goods and Shipping


Emissions in the transport sector are an increasingly important issue in global energy systems. This includes both greenhouse gases (GHGs) and air pollutants including oxides of nitrogen (NOx) oxides of sulphur (SOx) and particulate matter (PM).

However, the progress on reducing greenhouse emissions from transport has been relatively slow, with emissions from shipping proving to be particularly challenging. Natural gas has been suggested as an alternative transport fuel to help combat these emissions, particularly in shipping and goods transportation due to the range requirements in these vehicle types. However, there is some disagreement as to the potential for natural gas to provide significant improvements over emissions emerging from the current transport system.

White Paper 4 will investigate the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants arising in both heavy goods vehicles and shipping. The report will assess the scope for natural gas to reduce these emissions from current levels


The evening will commence with a welcome by the co-directors of the Institute, Professor Nigel Brandon and Dr Adam Hawkes, followed by a 30 minute overview of the report from the lead author, Dr Jamie Speirs. This will be followed by a panel debate and a Q&A with experts in the field.

  • Adam Morton, Rolls-Royce’s Head of Environmental Technology
  • Dr. Tristan Smith, Reader in Energy and Transport at University College London
  • Third panelist (still to be confirmed

Date: 28 Jan 2019
Time: 17:00 – 20:00
Venue: LT200 in City and Guilds Building in South Kensington Campus
Speaker: Dr Jamie Speirs
Ticket: Registration in advance via Eventbrite