Imperial News

Renewable Gas: The lowest cost pathway to decarbonising heat?

by Zara Qadir

We are delighted to welcome David Parkin (Director of Safety and Network Strategy at National Grid) as our 2016 annual lecture guest

He will speak at the annual lecture on Tuesday 6 December at 6pm at Imperial College London.


To achieve the UK’s 2050 decarbonisation targets, a step change in the trajectory of heat decarbonisation will need to occur. Decarbonising heat is challenging, as it potentially requires changes to consumer behaviour and domestic heating systems. Identifying a low cost route to heat decarbonisation, with minimal consumer impact, remains the holy grail of domestic heat policy. Increasingly, the focus is returning to gas as a backbone of this transition. This lecture will explore the nature of the challenge, the technologies available, the stakeholder engagement requirements and a roadmap to delivery.


David Parkin is Director of Safety and Network Strategy at National Grid Gas Distribution. The National Grid Gas Distribution network stretches from the Thames to the Lake District with 130,000km of pipeline and 11m connections. David is accountable for safety, engineering and setting the future strategic direction of the network. David is a chartered Mechanical Engineer and member of IGEM, and holds degrees from University of Cambridge, University of Warwick and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The talk takes place in lecture theatre 1.31 at the South Kensington Campus of Imperial College in the Royal School of Mines on Prince Consort Road.

For more information please see the Imperial College website and to register, please sign up via Eventbrite.