VIDEO: My research in a nutshell: Sara Budinis


Using a 20 seconds egg-timer, we challenged researchers at the Sustainable Gas Institute to explain their research on video

 In the first of a series, Sara Budinis managed to explain her extensive literature and technology-review project in exactly 19 seconds.

If you want to read more informaiton on Sara’s project, read our interview with a Summer student from the Imperial College Geology department, Sasha Dorai.

We also asked Sara why she thinks her work is important right now. Here’s her answer:

‘I think it’s important because technology can enable the society to meet the current and future energy demand while making the most of the resources we have.

This means that, thanks to academic research and R&D, we can get more energy from the same amount of limited resources.

At the same time, technology allows us to reduce societies carbon footprint while maintaining the same lifestyle’.


Zara Qadir

Zara Qadir
Department of Earth Science & Engineering

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