Imperial News

JSPS and The Royal Society joint funding opportunity 2021

by Stephanie Scantlebury

Opportunities for postdoctoral researchers to work with leading research groups in Japan!

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the leading research funding agency in Japan and in cooperation with The Royal Society, they are providing the opportunity for outstanding researchers to conduct a bilateral research project in 2021.

The scheme aims to promote international scientific exchange by giving researchers an opportunity to collaborate with leading scientists in Japan. The Royal Society will provide £12,000 of funding to five chosen projects to cover expenses relating to travel, maintenance and research.

Are you eligible?

Applicants are required to be UK based scientists with a completed PhD or have extensive experience at an equivalent level.

The project needs to be in the natural science research field which includes biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics.

Projects must last for a period of two years and start no later than 31 March 2022.

How do I apply?

Visit JSPS webpage for more information on the scheme and how to apply.

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 26 January 2021.