In this edition: A $3m-prizewinning mathematician, a new project into how children transmit COVID-19, and recipes with anti-cancer properties.
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OR listen to individual chapters:
News: Hints of life on Venus and fungal leather – We discuss the discovery of a molecule possibly linked with life in the clouds of Venus, and whether leather could be replaced by a more eco-friendly material made from fungus.
Millionaire mathematician – We catch up with Professor Martin Hairer, winner of the $3m Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, hearing about his field of work, his inspiration and what he’ll spend that prize money on.
You can also listen to an extended version of this interview.
How infectious are children with COVID-19? – As schools restart, we talk to the leader of a new research project into how children transmit the virus, following diagnosed children to see if they can cause outbreaks.
You can also listen to an extended version of this interview.
Cooking with hyperfoods – We meet the researcher and chef behind a new cookbook – Hyperfoods – that includes recipes packed with ingredients containing anti-cancer molecules, discovered using the power of people’s smartphones. You can get the recipes for free on the Kitchen Theory website.
Download the complete podcast (mp3)
The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course and the presenter of Digital Planet on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roving reporters in the Communications and Public Affairs Division.
Article text (excluding photos or graphics) available under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons license.
Photos and graphics subject to third party copyright used with permission or © Imperial College London.
Hayley Dunning
Communications Division

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Ryan O'Hare
Communications Division

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 2410
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Caroline Brogan
Communications Division

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Gareth Mitchell
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8766
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