Imperial News

CSEI seminar - Building retrofit product innovation

by Tim Gordon

Building retrofit product innovation

On 7 October CSEI small call winner Dr Kate Simpson presented at our seminar series - Building retrofit product innovation: Identifying trends using patent and policy data

Webinar recording

This collaboration aims to better understand trends in eco-innovation in building retrofit technologies and the drivers for those trends. The insight is derived from the European Patent Office database and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) database.


Kate is a research associate on the Design for Retrofit project, within the Data-Driven Design Under Uncertainty challenge on the Data Centric Engineering Programme at The Alan Turing Institute, based between the Dyson School of Design Engineering and the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI). She is Principal Investigator on a project identifying eco-innovation in the building retrofit sector using patent mining, funded by the CSEI. Kate’s PhD from the London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand on low-rise dwelling retrofit combined methods to understand the retrofit experience plus the measured and modelled impact of energy demand, indoor environment and building performance. Kate initially worked as a building surveyor and now has experience in both technical and social research relating to fuel poverty alleviationretrofit skillsoffsite housing and smart city development at UCL Energy InstituteUniversity of Leeds and the Centre for Sustainable Energy. Kate is actively engaged with the retrofit sector, particulalrly micro to small businesses, citizens, local authorities and policy makers.

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