Imperial News

Working for a better future for all: equality at NHLI

by Ms Helen Johnson

NHLI’s senior leaders share how they are involved across Imperial to improve the experience of our BAME community.

This year has been one of protest, action and reflection across the globe as the voices of Black Lives Matter movement were given a deserved media

"I am hoping the findings and recommendations of this group will be a further step towards making the College a place of true diversity, opportunity and inclusion" Professor Edwin Chilvers

platfom. Imperial College London has been trying to look at how we can make changes ourselves to better improve equality for all. This included our President announcing in June the College’s latin motto will no longer be used in new materials, and the commissioning of a working group to examine the College's history and legacy amongst other initiatives.

In honour of Black History Month I asked some of the National Heart and Lung Institute’s (NHLI) senior leaders about their involvement in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work going on across Imperial.

Professor Clare Lloyd, Respiratory Division Co-lead for NHLI

Which EDI group(s) are you involved with?

I am the Chair of the Faculty’s Culture Initiatives Management Group, Staff Survey Action Plan group and Athena Committee. As well as a member of the College’s EDI Strategy group.

What is the aim of these groups?

For the College EDI Strategy group I am the Faculty of Medicine’s representative. The Strategy Group is chaired by the Provost, reports to College Council, and is responsible for providing leadership and direction in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity matters affecting staff and students, and for agreeing priorities and monitoring progress.

The Faculty’s Culture Initiatives Management Group's aim is to have oversight of all the various equality, diversity and inclusion and related initiatives taking place across the Faculty of Medicine.

The Athena Committee – brings together each of the departmental Athena SWAN groups with the goal of achieving at least silver awards for each. We help provide a cohesive approach, but mainly share good practice, develop cross-Faculty initiatives and peer support. 

The main goal of the Staff Survey Action Plan Group (SSAPG) is to ensure that departmental action plans remain on track and progress is communicated to Faculty of Medicine staff with an emphasis on action. The SSAPG allows for detailed review and feedback of the departmental plans to facilitate consistency and cohesiveness in approach, learn from good practice and share knowledge, to provide guidance and support to departments as required.

Why do you feel this is important at Imperial and for NHLI?

These initiatives are important to make sure that we promote diversity and foster inclusion in everything we do across the Faculty, but also to connect with other Faculties across College. 

If you had a magic wand to make one change – what would that be?

A more diverse staff across the board, but to have an increase in BAME staff – particularly in leadership positions would be fantastic.

Find out more about the work of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Group

Professor Edwin Chilvers, Head of Institute

which EDI group are you involved with?

The History Group 

What is the aim of this group?

To examine and narrate Imperial’s involvement in and links with Britain’s colonial history, in terms of its members and associates, its actions and its impact; to consult with members of the College and its wider communities, including alumni and partners to understand current views on College’s history, and to advise the President and Provost on how the College might acknowledge and respond to its history.

Why do you feel this is important at Imperial and NHLI?

Imperial has a mission to ‘embody and deliver world-class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering and medicine, with particular regard to their application in Industry, Commerce and Healthcare’. Our reputation as an academic institution rests in part on an honest and open understanding and acknowledgement of our colonial legacy. BAME staff and students are under-represented at Imperial and in the NHLI in particular. I am hoping the findings and recommendations of this group will be a further step towards making the College a place of true diversity, opportunity and inclusion.

If you had a magic wand to make one change – what would that be?

I’m tempted to say our name - but many more BAME academic staff would be a great start!

The History Group recently launched a call for evidence to allow Imperial's staff and students to provide relevant resources and information for consideration - find out more and provide information through this form.

Find out more about the work of the History Group.

Celebration event of NHLI academic promotions 2019

Professor Sian Harding was also recently interviewed about her role on The Artworks Group