Data Science Virtual Poster Competition


Congratulations to Prof Yaliraki's Group for winning the first prize in the Virtual Data Science Poster Competition 2020.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences invited its PhD students, Postdocs, Early career researchers and research groups working on the area of Data Science theme to participate at this virtual poster competition. Posters were displayed here and Imperial staff and participated voting for their favourite poster ('Imperial popular choice award').

We are delighted to announce that Leonie Stroemich & Florian Song (Department of Chemistry) from Prof Yaliraki's Research Group were awarded with £500 for best poster: ProteinLens: a user-friendly web-based application to uncover allosteric signalling in structural data

Prof Yaliraki's Research Group developed publicly available online tool for the analysis of protein structures. More information on this tool can be found here:

Many congratulations to those awarded a prize!


Anna Radomska

Anna Radomska
Faculty of Engineering

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