24hr rolling classes, an inventive handbook and more - Change Makers innovation


Students wearing homemade hats during online class

Horizons Field Leader, Elizabeth Hauke, shares what the Change Makers have done differently in the move to remote learning.

Earlier this month we took a brief look into the work going on in the CLCC's Science Communication Unit as colleagues and students adapt to teaching and learning under the restrictions of the pandemic.

For Imperial Horizons, the CLCC's flagship undergraduate programme, the Autumn Term also presented new challenges and opportunities. Horizons classes are being delivered remotely for the academic year 2020-21 and colleagues have been working hard to make Horizons teaching as engaging as ever.

This week, Field Leader Dr Elizabeth Hauke has written a series of blog posts reflecting on this period of change for herself, her colleagues and their students. In a series of eight informative articles on the Change Makers Live, Love, Learn website, Dr Hauke discusses new approaches and experiments, from technology choices, creating a hospitable environment, rolling online classes to a new approach to the student handbook.

Read 'The Change Makers lockdown learning experience (so far)'

Dr Hauke's articles consider challenges, successes, limitations and lessons learned by the Change Makers team. Student comments and examples run through the eight articles, providing feedback and shaping decision making. This thorough reflection on a unique term is recommended reading for anyone who's ever asked questions about remote teaching and learning.

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Ms Cleo Bowen

Ms Cleo Bowen
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication