Research round-up from Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Electrical Engineering Building

Two Horizons 2020 grants, a distinguished lecture series, and a new Visiting Professor for the KIOS Centre of Excellence.

Distinguished Lecturer

Pier Luigi DragottiProfessor Pier Luigi Dragotti has been named as one of the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Distinguished Lecturers for 2021.

The Distinguished Lecturer Program provides means for chapters to have access to individuals who are well known educators and authors in the fields of signal processing, to lecture at Chapter meetings.

 Lecture Topics will be:

  • New Sampling methods: Sparse sampling based on timing information and sampling along trajectories
  • Deep Dictionary Learning Approaches for Image Super-Resolution
  • Computational Imaging for Art investigation and for Neuroscience

Find out more about the programme

Managing global energy

Solar field

Two New Horizon 2020 grants have been awarded in energy systems.

Innovative Tools for Cyber Physical Energy Systems (InnoCyPES)

This ITN project will develop data driven tools for efficient operation of energy systems and secured cross border energy trade. This consortium (€4.2M) has seven universities and four industrial beneficiaries and nine partners from across Europe and Asia. 

Professor Bikash Pal will lead a team of two early stage researchers (ESRs) in developing sensor data monitoring and fusion strategy for advanced local energy management systems. 

Renewable Energy EMPOWERing European and InDian communities (RE-EMPOWERED)

At the high technology readiness level (TRL) this programme will develop natural disaster resilient energy solutions to empower energy isolated communities in India and Europe to manage their total energy need in an affordable and sustainable manner. The consortium (€6M) with 15 partners from industry and academia in Europe and India will demonstrate beneficiary-led energy services, entrepreneurship in local communities in two European and two Indian islands. In the Indian context ultimate goal is to spur local economic opportunity and growth to prevent urban migration.

Professor Bikash Pal and Dr Stratis Batzelis with two experienced researchers are responsible for multi vector energy optimisation tools and lead the training of local communities in energy technologies customised to local needs. 

Visiting Professor

Marios PolycarpouWe are pleased to announce that Professor Marios Polycarpou has joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as an Honorary Visiting Professor.

Professor Polycarpou is Director of the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus. In partnership with a team at Imperial led by Professor Thomas Parisini, KIOS was awarded a multimillion-pound EU Horizon 2020 award for research and innovation in our critical infrastructures such as transportation, communication, water and energy supplies, and how they can be made more efficient, resilient and economical.

Professor Polycarpou's teaching and research interests are in intelligent systems and networks, adaptive and learning control systems, fault diagnosis, machine learning, and critical infrastructure systems.

He is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with EEE colleagues at Imperial.

Kios Centre of Excellence @ Imperial


Jane Horrell

Jane Horrell
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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