Imperial News

Animal research during a pandemic: new podcast episode goes live

by Anna Napolitano

What’s it like to work in animal research during these unprecedented times? A new podcast series explores.

Imperial’s animal research department has produced a new podcast episode featuring research workers sharing their experiences during the pandemic and how it has affected their everyday jobs.  

The latest episode of the new Imperial podcast series Animal Research@Imperial: voices from the field during pandemic, is now live.

Commitment to research 

People working in animal research facilities fall under the key worker category, meaning they have continued to work on-site during the pandemic – with robust measures on place to ensure their safety. Thanks to their commitment, important scientific work was able to continue.  

In the new episode of of Animal Research@Imperial: voices from the field during a pandemic, Amy Wathen, NTCO (Named Training and Competency Officer) at Imperial, shares insights into the importance of her role in the animal units and the challenges of working during the pandemic.  

Amy said: “I’ve only been able to meet my [work] responsibility thanks to the hard work of CBS staff and researchers that have been able to remain on site all the time during this exceptional situation”. 

In the first episode of the new podcast series, we heard animal technician Julia talking about her experience of continuing caring for the animals despite the difficulties of the lockdowns.