Imperial News

The Love Makers by Aifric Campbell

by Ms Cleo Bowen

How artificial intelligence and robotics are transforming the future of love and desire: a philosophical thriller and essays.

Horizons Creative Writing lecturer Dr Aifric Campbell's new book revealed earlier this month.The Love Makers, published by Goldsmiths Press, will be released this summer and is available now for pre-order.

The Love Makers (book details) - the MIT Press

The book combines both a novel and 12 essays from STEM academics and commentators from a range of institutions including Cambridge, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Hertie School, Berlin, UPenn, Dartmouth CollegeKings College London, Sheffield and Imperial College London.

Described as "a philosophical thriller about female friendship, class, motherhood, women, and work" the novel begins with a chance encounter between two women with devastating consequences. Both novel and essays explore how artificial intelligence and robotics are transforming the future of love and desire.

Dr Campbell revealed her book via Twitter giving special thanks to her contributors.

Dr Aifric Campell Twitter book reveal 10 February 2021.