Imperial News

MEng project prize winner’s paper will be presented at the 30th ACM SIGPLAN CC

by Mr Ahmed Idle

Supervised by Prof. Nobuko Yoshida.

Anson Miu’s MEng final year project 2019/2020 (Type-safe Web Programming Using Routed Multiparty Session Types in TypeScript) supervised by Nobuko Yoshida had received the Aspect Capital Project Prize in July 2020 which is an award for an outstanding final year undergraduate individual project sponsored by Aspect Capital. After his project, in order to complete and publish his project, Anson worked for a part-time summer internship under Yoshida's supervision.

His paper, Communication-Safe Web Programming in TypeScript with Routed Multiparty Session Types written with his co-authors (Francisco Ferreira, Nobuko Yoshida, and Fangyi Zhou) was accepted by the prestigious Compiler Construction conference, where Anson is the first corresponding author. The paper is formally supported work -- ensuring a safety and deadlock-freedom of modern web programming in TypeScript based on a multiparty session type theory. His tool was accepted by Artifact Evaluation, obtaining Available, Reproduced and Reusable badges.  

His supervisor, Nobuko Yoshida commends Anson’s hard work to bring this project ahead from the MEng final year project to a peer reviewed paper at a prestigious conference. He led and took initiative over this non-trivial project. He not only developed a new tool, but also completely proved all theorems and lemmas in the paper. This is the first conference paper I published based on the MEng individual project where the student himself is the first author. Moreover, the publication includes a software artifact that implements the system described on the paper. The artifact was awarded all three available badges, for being available, reproducing the results on the paper, and being reusable.

Currently this project continues and is being extended by new MEng final year project students, which showcases the quality of both the project and the artifact. 

He will present the paper online the 3 Mar 2021 at 15:00 (London time). A video of the talk has already been recorded and is available here.  

Anson is currently working at Bloomberg, UK.